In July my little brother had his B-day, we had a such a good time. We went to a water park the whole day, and then came home and had lunch....and cake (Chocolate Carmel Cake and ice cream) it was sooo good.
At the water park, we had friends come along with us, we had a race to see who got to the bottom of the slide first...then we had a boat fight (not a real fight, it was a game we played. Each of us had a boat or a floaty, either way ;) we sneaked behind the person and bumped into him/ her, and tried to flip him/her over... you could only use your boat, floaty thing...I didn't last for long he he, but it was really fun. We also played volleyball, then had a competition to see who could hold their breath under water the longest, *ahem *, I won! We had a great time. We all got sunburned, and I put even put sunscreen on, like 5 times. (I looked like I had red blush on, at my friends graduation, I will tell you about it later). We came home about 3:30-4:00pm and had a good amount of food. After that the guys played games on the laptop, and us girls were helping my Mom. We talked about what we did , then we went to my room and to the computer, that's when we were starting to notice that our faces were turning red and our arms and faces were stinging....(the effects of the sun ;). I downloaded the photos my dad and I had taken, then showed them to the guys. Then it was time for the cake and ice-cream, we sang happily and tried to put my brothers face in the cake, but it was kind of difficult. So someone *wonder who did it, but it was funny* put the carmel icing on his face! It was funny... After we calmed down a bit we ate our cake...we were sooo full. Then we talked, again, about what we had done at the water park and the jokes that we had done, and funny moments, and who did you see from school, or neighbors, and many other things... finally I had to get ready to go to a friends graduation.
Here are some photos of my brothers B-day...
My Brother... having fun! ;)
B-day Boy
B-Day Cake
The Big Slide
More Fun...
After a full day....... :)
Later that day...
After the party, everyone tired from a full day of fun, us girls left to go to Elena´s house and get ready for her graduation... We didn`t need to put makeup on, our faces were sooo red :O *really red, they were waaay red.