Today as I was listening to a song, that is on my play-list, I was really listening to the words. It was then that I really valued the song. When I listen to music the first thing I pay attention to is the rhythm, then the beat etc. I don't listen to the words *grin* So today I really listened.
The song talks about us, that we all have a purpose in life, we were created with a purpose, not just to live and die. No, we each have a different calling in our lives, it may be from preaching to children's church . We are different from each other, some may be very bubbly, others more serious, outgoing, strong, thoughtful, friendly, confident, and so on.
If we let ourselves be carried away with the current of this world we will lose our calling or the purpose we have, maybe not at once, but little by little... I have seen this happen to a few of my friends, and its hard to let someone else take their place, because they won´t be exactly the same. they won´t have the same qualities. Yet, if we give that person a chance and not compare, but look at the things that are unique to that person we will see wonderful things... yes it might be hard.
See God made us with our own special purpose! Don't ignore that! We may not be perfect in every way we want to be, or others want us to be...sometimes we must stop looking at the list of expectations we have, and others have for us.
Ask God, is this how you want me to be? Is this what you created me to be, to do? Is this my calling? Show me Your list of expectations. But, we must
listen to His answer. Don't do all the talking.
Listen. This
is the key!
This is why its so important to ask God, we are a pillar in peoples lives, we may not see it until someone tells us, or we may never know, but God does know and that´s why He reminds us to ask Him, and talk to Him about anything.
Maybe the answer from God will be small changes, drastic changes, somethings stay, others go "bye bye", this may be hard
but it´s necessary, believe me its not easy, but you know what? it´s beneficial to us and those around us! (Yeh, I can see your face! *smile*) I asked God this question, you know, about the changes He wants, and I had the same face! I was like helloooo!!
People around me (not saved) ask why do I change radically and do all this Chirstian stuff, and not do certain other stuff, why do I dress modestly, and why I don´t have a boyfriend, etc., then say that I´m crazy, but yet they keep staying around me and ask many questions about God, others just ignore me when I talk about Jesus Christ...(yet deep inside them they really care and are interested.)

I can now see the whole picture, they really envy us! They are trying to be "happy" they laugh, because they don't want to cry. Joy is something really different from happiness ... they don't have joy in there lives...
God says:
"I am there when you cry, I'm there when your alone, sad, angry, You can talk to me whenever you want, I'm with you every second and we can just talk about everything. I made you with a purpose, a future, I'm the One who writes your story, you don't need to worry about what your whole future is".
We are there to help others find the JOY we have, and help them see God through us, through His Creation, not by just preaching! It´s really important for us to stand up 4 what we believe in, because others are watching us, our every move, they really pay attention and will start seeing that God really is there with us and is more than a bff. We need to be examples to them, not just in testifying, going to church, etc. but, being friends for them, so they may see Gods love, mercy, and through us.
Lately, a girl from keyboard lessons, asked me about God, and sometimes it takes patience for me to explain everything to her. She has asked me if she can come to church, I was really overjoyed to hear this, because a friend and I have been praying for her. She is now more willing to hear about the things of God.
That´s why God really wants us to stand in the light, and wants us to understand that we have a purpose. we may not be perfect, but God accepts us for who we are! He looks at our hearts...

I hope everyone had, has a good day!
God Bless You!