Hello Friends and family,
So today everyone had placess to be. except Shaun and I. Ellis went to a friends house. Mother dear had to take Libby and Travo to their visits with family...so me and shaun had a date ;)
Right now im in McDonalds..s shuan and I are eating. After he is done his plan is to go and play.
So here is what I did this morning:
Load laundry.
Make cookies with Shaun. He is an amazing helper :)
Take out clothes from dryer. Fold them, and with special help from Shaun.
Load washer.
Clean mess.
Clean the bathroom
Put cookies in the oven.
Clean bathroom.
Take cookies out the oven. Put more in.
Fold and put clothes in dryer
Finish bathroom.
Fold more clothes.
Show Shaun how to use the computer.
Take shower.
Tell shaun about our special day out.
Got all this done by 3.pm
After we are done we are going to the store, and take pictures ;)
Well ill post pics from our baking and walk later.
Good bye;) going to play with shaun.