We as christians, sometimes forget to thank our Heavenly Father for everything He has done in our life, it becomes a routine, it's not suppose to be like that! We need to look at every thing, person, situation, day, nature, everything, is doesn't matter if it's just as shoe!, for He has provided us with it.

I, myself, sometimes fall in to the routine of this world and get really caught up, really busy and just go throuh the motions, and then I stop and say: Why is this going wrong, why this and that?. Then God says: "You are thinking wrong and acting wrong! You don't appreciate the things I give you; not just the material things, or family and friends, even nature. You are trying to do everything on your own! You are conforming to this world, you are too busy. Your inteligence is limited, you do your part I will do the rest."

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