That was really good but, who put cake on my face???
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I'm posting, I know its been so long, but lately I have been pretty busy with church, music, friends, and so on! We have been passing movies in the street's and we went to the park to evangelize... After preaching we played volleyball...I had a good time until, I pulled my fingers back...and they still hurt! My wrist also :S This was last Thursday, but I still had a good time! Tomorrow we are going to have a movie in the street!
Please pray for my mom she is sick! :s
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Hola everyone!!!! :P
Just wondering how is everyone?
Rosie I know you have been waiting for the post about modesty, it's done, and my mom said it's great. I'm still not convinced that is good or wow, but she has been asking about it soooo, I will post's just not what I want, its really short.... but here it goes....
Why is modesty so important?
Well, first of all, the attention we will get if we dress immodestly, will fade with the day. In others words, as soon as another girl comes in with a more "hot/loose style" the attention will all go to her, we will be something of the past. So we will be forced to compete if we want to be the "hot chick" attracting all the attention. But this attention will only be for a season, because men are only looking for something superficial when they see "flirty" girls dressed like this. We won´t be valued or appreciated. Men will be looking at the body, not at the heart, it´s natural for them to do that. They will not respect us for who we are, they won't treat us like ladies. But, we can help them by dressing in a modest and fashionable style.
Just wondering how is everyone?
Rosie I know you have been waiting for the post about modesty, it's done, and my mom said it's great. I'm still not convinced that is good or wow, but she has been asking about it soooo, I will post's just not what I want, its really short.... but here it goes....
Why is modesty so important?
Well, first of all, the attention we will get if we dress immodestly, will fade with the day. In others words, as soon as another girl comes in with a more "hot/loose style" the attention will all go to her, we will be something of the past. So we will be forced to compete if we want to be the "hot chick" attracting all the attention. But this attention will only be for a season, because men are only looking for something superficial when they see "flirty" girls dressed like this. We won´t be valued or appreciated. Men will be looking at the body, not at the heart, it´s natural for them to do that. They will not respect us for who we are, they won't treat us like ladies. But, we can help them by dressing in a modest and fashionable style.
I don´t think modesty is about being frumpy or blending in with the crowd. But when we dress modestly, guys, and other people, will look at us with respect. They will look at our heart, our friendship, kindness, who we really are. Modesty allows us to uncover our special and unique beauty. We are all called to some basic standards by God, but there is still alot of room for creativity and expressing ourselves.
There are a variety of cute and stylish clothes that don´t shout out "hey look at me". I think using common sense and noticing how people react to what we wear, says alot. If we get compliments about the pretty, colorful outfit we are wearing, great! But, if everyone is turning their heads as we walk by, then it´s probably time to ask ourselves if what we are wearing is appropriate.
I believe dressing modestly shows self confidence, we are secure with ourselves, we don't need "hot" clothes to feel like someone. God cares about our appearances, it is important to him that we dress modestly and respect our bodies. And, by caring about the way we dress, we can avoid alot of problems...
Now, in dressing, if there is a shirt that is really lowcut, but that could be attractive used another way, for example, by placing a tank top underneath, it can become a pretty and attractive shirt. If it's casual get something casual to put underneath, maybe a diffrent color, and so on. The same if it´s really short, by putting a longer tanktop or shirt underneath can create something that is modest...just be creative, or ask a friend, or look on the internet, or maybe a christian artist, see how they dress, and get some ideas, then combine your style and, well, just be yourself!
Now, I like the way the Barlowgirls dress, they are trendy and yet modest at the same time. You can go on their blog they have web links you can go on and get ideas...
Ok, I´m done now, and I would like to hear your opinion! Either on your blog or on my comments. Please share!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
Hello everyone! Been pretty busy lately with revival, and the wireless internet was down for more than a week, so only one comp. had internet, :S but today I was able to use it for a few :D
I had a really good time with Pastor Rice. The whole church had a really nice time and there was encouragement, and challenges to change our characters. We had alot of visitors, and one girl that I have been praying for came and got saved, and came to 2 or services, she is a friend of Soad and she says she is christian, yet she doesn´t go to a church faithfully...but she has been coming to church for a few weeks, and I pray she stays...
Breaking Curses
Braking the family curse, each one of us are a representive for our families, we are the ones who can brake this curse, and how a curse can turn into a blessing.
Healing Mental Illness:
The illustration was American know that some people make us laugh till our sides hurt... they think that they can sing, but they sing really bad (like really bad) they know it´s true, yet they lie to themselves, and believe the lie.
Pride will make us believe lies about ourselves or other people and can destroy our relacionship them and with God, and make fools of ourselves.
Talking to the hand
We need to say this to the religious people when they try and question what we are doing: talk to the hand, because this face is not listening.
Satan will try to take our salvation, with religious people, kings, backsliders, family, anything he can use to take our salvation.
In the kingdom of God we have: Followers, and Leaders.
We all are leaders one way or another, friends, pastors,teachers etc.
Many people are watching, and learing from us, and following us.
As good leaders we need to see the possibilities in other people, even if they are really, well you know.
Opening the mouth
Opening the mouth
God wants us to ask for big stuff, not just the little things. Yeh, its ok to ask for little things, but not every time. He wants us to pray and ask for big things. God does not want us to pray to idols, or other peole to pray for us, we need to pray to Him and only Him. We need to pray until God answers us.

We had alot of visitors and many people got saved. It was our first revival of the year! I am really glad that Pastor Rice came...

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