Hello everyone! Been pretty busy lately with revival, and the wireless internet was down for more than a week, so only one comp. had internet, :S but today I was able to use it for a few :D
I had a really good time with Pastor Rice. The whole church had a really nice time and there was encouragement, and challenges to change our characters. We had alot of visitors, and one girl that I have been praying for came and got saved, and came to 2 or services, she is a friend of Soad and she says she is christian, yet she doesn´t go to a church faithfully...but she has been coming to church for a few weeks, and I pray she stays...
Breaking Curses
Braking the family curse, each one of us are a representive for our families, we are the ones who can brake this curse, and how a curse can turn into a blessing.
Healing Mental Illness:
The illustration was American Idol...you know that some people make us laugh till our sides hurt... they think that they can sing, but they sing really bad (like really bad) they know it´s true, yet they lie to themselves, and believe the lie.
Pride will make us believe lies about ourselves or other people and can destroy our relacionship them and with God, and make fools of ourselves.
Talking to the hand
We need to say this to the religious people when they try and question what we are doing: talk to the hand, because this face is not listening.
Satan will try to take our salvation, with religious people, kings, backsliders, family, anything he can use to take our salvation.
In the kingdom of God we have: Followers, and Leaders.
We all are leaders one way or another, friends, pastors,teachers etc.
Many people are watching, and learing from us, and following us.
As good leaders we need to see the possibilities in other people, even if they are really, well you know.
Opening the mouth
Opening the mouth
God wants us to ask for big stuff, not just the little things. Yeh, its ok to ask for little things, but not every time. He wants us to pray and ask for big things. God does not want us to pray to idols, or other peole to pray for us, we need to pray to Him and only Him. We need to pray until God answers us.

We had alot of visitors and many people got saved. It was our first revival of the year! I am really glad that Pastor Rice came...

We had such a fantastic week, didn´t we? I wasn´t ready for it to end...I love, love, love the picture of you and Danielle when you were just tiny little toddlers, just two and three years old, soooooo cute!
Welcome back, Paree. I miss your post!! Oh..I love this one. It's good to hear about the revival. Praise God for what He is doing in Maracaibo. I think your friend getting saved is the highlight!!! Keep up the good work!!
p.s. I love that pic of you and lala.
great to hear from you again! btw how old is that pic of me and you?
I had a really nice time!!!
umm lala i dont know how old the pic is :P but it is old :P
Ling im glade im back ;P
I am so jelouse, I so wish i could have climbed in his suitcase. The church looks great. And The smile on Pastor Rice's face says so much. All your photos are great. Keep up the good work. Titi.
I wish i could have climbed in his suitcase to go to San Diego and Oregon :P oh well a few more months...*sigh* love you titi.
hey hey who is this new commentator on your blog "titi"?? a stranger to my life lately...
btw, I too love the little girls are your blog, thier backsides are kinda cute :)....
and furthermore if I was paying to dollars to fill my tank with gas I'd be doing more than grinning from ear to ear, I'd be dancing!!!
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