HI, how is everyone?
These last few weeks have been pretty busy, at church we are showing movies in the neigborhoods that are kind of dangerous. The movie itself shows the reality of what they are living; the drugs, alcohol, robbery, "cool life" etc. This movie was made and produced in Venezuela, in and around Caracas, it´s a real life movie, not Hollywood. It´s what everyone lives here, the whole nation. When we start the movie people think we are going to give them the traditional, Passion of Chirst, so they act like they don´t care...when the movie starts and people see that it´s real life they become engrossed and listen, they are attent to what is next. What we do is, when it´s almost to the end of the movie we pause it for a moment and start preaching the Gospel of Jesus, so they don´t get up and leave with out hearing about Jesus. They hear that He can change their life style and give eternal joy, and eternal life, people really respond, they acutually listen. . Then we play the movie until the end, in the mean time a few brothers and sisters, start asking people if they would like to ask Jesus into theie hearts... We are seeing people get saved, now we need to followup on them, that is what we did on Saturday...and we are praying so they will come to church...
I´m not a big fan of hats, for myself...but, this is a BIG exception......Its just super cool!
ooooooo!!! i like! very cute looks great on you!
Great to hear what God is doing there!! I love your new hat.
I knew that Lala would like the hat, it really is cool and was a such a great price too!
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