I'm not sure if anyone does there blog anymore! But, I will post this very short post ;) hope you enjoy it!
This picture to the left, is a garden that my mom, Ellis, me, titi Lisa, Austin, Bridgett, all of us have planted ;)
The day i took this picture, we were weeding, so that's why there are a bunch of weeds! I will take some more pictures later on. BTW these are onion plants
<--- we planted: Onions lots of them! corn, radishes, lettuce nice variety, tomatoes, jalape~os, sunflowers for the birds, and I'm not sure what others veggies :D oh wait I just remembered :) potatoes! (how could i forget them!) I think we might have some watermelon! that would be soo nice on a very hot day!
We had a Storm i think it was yesterday, it wasn't really bad, but still it messed up the garden a bit, some of the corn it bent ;( and some tomatoes are bent...Most of the garden is fine! anyways how was you re day??
Paree, you have to get more garden pictures on here, you really do...and your ranch pictures with Dutch and Ichabod. Oh, and your new cowgirl boots! So, So cute...
Hey Mommmy!!!
I will poste them very soon ;)
Hey Mommmy!!!
I will poste them very soon ;)
u guys r so cute
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