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Monday, December 31, 2007

Its almost 2008, just a few hours more and then welcome 2008....I just wanted to tell you Happy New Year!

ps. Chek out the vidio i posted.

Una Carta A Mi Papa:


Quiero que sepas que tu has sido un ejemplo en mi vida, te valoro mucho. Pediré a un hombre que sea como tu, responsable, perseverante, peleador por las cosas de Dios y sus obras, y mas importante, que sea como tu corazón, lleno de Dios.

Sinceramente no te cambiaria por nada. Se que Dios te a puesto en mi vida, y agradezco por haberlo hecho. Cuando sea el tiempo de Dios y ponga al hombre que ha escojido, cuándo de mis votos ante Dios y su pueblo, pido a Dios que estés allí. Tu eres un gran Papa, y Pastor, te amo, si escribiría todo que lo que se me viene a mi mente, lo que quiero decirte, no alcanzaria, llevaría muchos y muchos años para terminar, toma esto como una medalla de miles y millones que te mereces,


Tu hija,


Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Good Day to every one! and Merry Christmas!

I'm am going to post some pic. since i haven't been posting this last month i have been very busy :D so here they go:
These photos are from a b-day party I went to. S. turned 15. (she is the one in the blue dress).

This is our Christmas tree.....

The presents. I had a good time opening them, we all had a good time.

These photos are from Sunday evening at church, we had a big Christmas dinner with the church, we had a good time.

For Christmas Eve we were at A. and her family's house, we all had a good time! :D

This is S. with her new toy.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

......Feliz Navidad a Todos .......

Merry Christmas To Every One!...... its 1:13am yea im still up :D I hope every1 has a good day! God bless every1 ....

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Click to play Christmas+Wishes
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Btw. If you want to see the pictures and read each page find and use the arrows on the card. The automatic page turn is not in sequence and you´ll miss the pictures if you only use it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to everyone, there is only 5 days more until Christmas!!!! Wow this year has flown by!

This month we went to Caracas & Colonia Tovar. Colonia Tovar is a little German town in the Andes Mountains about an hour from the city of Caracas. It´s beautiful, nice and cold. :D The photos above are from this trip.

I would like to share this with you. A story that made me think about why the Christmas Holiday is so special, but something that we should be thankful for EvErY DaY, every month and every year. This story is about the gift that God has given us through the birth of Jesus Christ. What a wonderful gift; because of Him we can have Eternal Life. He calls you and me His sons and daughters. Imagine that we are the sons and daughters of The King of Kings and the Lords of Lords. Now stop a moment and think; You the son or daughter of the King of Spain, King of England etc. HE IS KING, but we can call Him Father. He has given us life and life abundantly. If you have asked God into your heart there is no explaination of what it is like. Please read Psalms 139. We should thank God for his Grace and mercy. What an awesome priviledge to be a child of the King of Heaven.

Let me share with you the story:

The Same Old Story

by Michael T. Powers

In the twenty or so years that my wife and I have been doing youth ministry, we have dealt with a lot of teens who have gotten themselves into some dire straits. In fact, I thought there was nothing that could possibly surprise us anymore…

I was wrong…

There is one teenage girl we know that I had to tell you about. However, before I do, I want you to understand that in our youth ministry, we always strive for confidentiality, to protect both the teen and the teen's family. So it is with great trepidation that I share this with you for I know that some of you will figure out who this girl is. But I am hoping that by the end of these few pages, you will understand why I had to share what I am about to tell you.

Before you rush to judgment, I want you to hang with me here. In fact, more than anything else, I want you to put yourself in this teen's shoes. Try and feel what she must be feeling…

This young girl is about 14 years old and she comes to the stark realization that she is pregnant. Not only does she realize that her life is going to drastically change, but to make matters worse, she is afraid to tell her boyfriend. Normally she can go to her boyfriend with any problem. He is a pretty stable, understanding and dependable guy. But this time it's different. You see, the baby is not his.

She lays awake that first night thinking about all the people she has to face that next day.

Her parents…

She has always been worthy of the trust her parents have put in her. In fact other families have remarked to her parents how they wish their daughters were more like her. But now she has to stand before them and explain how she got pregnant. And if that is not bad enough, she is going to have to explain to them that the father of the baby is not the young man that her parents think she should marry…

Her boyfriend…

She loves her boyfriend more than anyone! Well, almost more than anyone. How is she going to face him? Where is she going to get the courage? It would almost be easier if she could tell him that it was just a big mistake and that she is oh, so sorry for it. But she can't lie to him. She will have to look into his trusting eyes and tell him that she willfully chose the path that led to this little life growing inside of her. She knows deep down inside, that if she had to do it all over again, she would make the same decision, and end up in the same precarious situation. "Please God! Please let him understand and not abandon me. I need him so much right now!"

Her friends…

Right or wrong, they have always put her on a pedestal. Always looked to her for answers. Always modeled their life after hers. But she knows instinctively that they will not understand. In fact she knows that she may never be able to explain to them what made her do what she did.

So she lays there in bed, afraid, overwhelmed, and reaching out to God for strength to face what is ahead of her.

The next day she finally gets up the courage to tell her boyfriend. He reacts just as she feared he would react. He is going to leave her.

She becomes distraught and questions God: "Why God? Why? I know that I am in this situation because of a decision I made, but please don't take my boyfriend away from me! I desperately need him now!"

This unnamed teen goes to bed that night more afraid than ever, feeling every bit the young child that she is…

Her name? Normally I wouldn't give that to you. But in this case she asked that her name be known so that others will understand what she has gone through and be encouraged…

Her name is Mary and she lived 2000 years ago.

Have you ever thought of the Christmas story in this way before?

Think about it! You are a 14-year old girl and an angel appears to you and says, "I'm going to place a baby inside of your womb." Most 14-year old girls I know would say, "I'm sorry, but that doesn't fit in with my plans for my life. I have my whole life ahead of me and I can't be held back by a baby! How am I going to go to prom now!?"

How does Mary tell Joseph? Have you ever thought of that? She has to go to her future husband and say, "I'm pregnant and the baby is not yours.

The conversation may have gone something like this:

Mary: "Joe, before you get angry at me I want you to know that I didn't cheat on you."

Joseph: "Come on Mary! You know full well that we have not known each other in the biblical sense, so the baby can't possibly be mine!"

Mary: "Joseph, you have to believe me. I did not have sex with anyone!"

Joseph: "Please Mary, don't do this to me. You know that I love you and care for you. But I can't listen to this."

Mary: "OK, Joseph, I won't lie to you." (She pauses, searching his eyes for the understanding that she knows is not humanly possible.) "The baby is from God."

Joseph: "Mary! Please! This is not like you! In fact, I am beginning to think I don't even know you any more!"

Mary: "You have to believe me Joseph!"

Joseph: (The wheels already turning in his head as to what he needs to do) "Mary, you know that I love you. But I won't stand for this. I have every right to put you away from me publicly, but I don't have the heart to do that to you. I won't marry you now, but I will allow you to find some dignity and not make a big deal out of this. But go you will."

Mary: "Please Joseph! You've got to believe me! Why would I make something like this up!"

Joseph: "Enough! I don't want to hear another word."

And he walks away, leaving Mary distraught and worrying…

You know the story. An angel appears to Joseph and verifies that what Mary says is truth.

Hopefully by now you are not thinking of the story of Jesus' birth as the same old boring story that we read every Christmas season!

Stop your busyness and ponder with me these next few weeks.

Think of God as a fetus, leaving Heaven and all of its splendor and becoming one of the most fragile things on Earth: a human baby. An animal baby is more able to defend and adapt when they are born than a human is.

As a writer, I would never have written the story this way. If I'm going to write the story of God coming to Earth, He's going to be on a white stallion when He rides out of Heaven. Every hoof-beat will leave lightning-like sparks on the streets of gold and peals of thunder in the air. The stars will line up as letters in every language that will blink: "The King of Kings is Coming!" He's going to burst through the ozone layer in a fiery explosion that will rock the foundation of the earth and send humans and animals to a prone position on the ground. Then He's going to circle the entire earth from east to west and the clouds will trail behind Him like a pure white flowing robe. There'll be the deafening sound of heavenly trumpets and the majestic pureness of millions of angels' voices hitting your ears as if they were right next to you…

That's how I'd write it.

God says, "Nope. He's going to live inside of an unwed teenage girl and He's going to be born in a stable." Which is a really nice word for a cave where smelly animals live. There was manure and urine on the floor, and the stench was almost unbearable. Priceless paintings and works of art did not hang on the walls in this nursery. No, if you were to look on these walls you would see cobwebs.

Psalm 33:6 reads, "By the word of the LORD were the heavens made, their starry host by the breath of his mouth." The One who breathed galaxies into existence, now depended on an umbilical cord for His oxygen. Amazing!

In your wildest dreams, can you equate the deity of the King of Kings making his entrance into this world through the human process we call birth.

Instead of noticing a crown of purest gold on his head, you notice the cone-shape of his head as he was forced through the birth canal. Instead of wearing the finest robes money can buy, he is wrapped in rags.

Instead of a finely crafted bed made by the most gifted craftsman in the land, he is laid in a feeding trough. That's what a manger is! A feeding trough! God was put in a feeding trough where cows put their tongues to lick up food. That is where the King of the universe slept each night.

He who sustains the entire universe is now being sustained through the milk of a teenage girl.

If Mary could have written a book, it would be on the New York Times' Best-Selling List. The title of the book would have been, "I Changed God's Diapers." Have you ever thought of that? Someone had to change the God of the universe's diapers. This gets a little gross, and I'm used to talking to youth, so forgive me, but, human waste was next to Jesus' skin. Is it hard to imagine Jesus in such a mundane and human way? In fact it is almost irreverent. But the God of the universe loved us so much that he was willing to humble Himself and give us the most precious Christmas present ever given: His Son Jesus.

May we never let ourselves say, "The same old Christmas story," ever again. And, may we never get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of the holiday season that we don't stop and take the time to reflect about what an amazing God we have.

May this Christmas, and every Christmas from here on out, never lose it's magic or it's meaning.

Michael T. Powers

© 2006 by Michael T. Powers

Friday, November 23, 2007

Hello! I hope everyone had a great day yesterday!

I said in the last post that I would put a video that really made me think about God, remember? Well, I can't post it on my blog, but anyway, I found this other video, it's not as thought provoking as the other song, but it has a good message.
Here it is:

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody I hope everyone has a good day! Remember to thank God for all He has done in your life, take time to thank Him.
This is a nice song! I hope you guys like will like it. I will post another video that really made me think about God, and will tell you why when I post the video.


Saturday, November 17, 2007

Just a quick message to those that I love. How nice it will be when the day comes that I will be more close in distance so that I can visit with those that are not close by at this time in my life. I thank God for putting each of you in my life, not just for a few years, but for a life time! I thank God for your friendship, for your shoulder, for when I cry or when I'm mad at life or when things don't go the the way I want them. I thank God for your ears, you hear me complain about things (mostly when I'm mad of sad or both). For the time you take to talk with me and the time you take to chat with me(and email me). For every word of helpfulnes and every word of happiness, for your compassion. If I try to write everything on this blog it won't be enough to say how much I love and care for each one of you. I've known you for 14 years, and this year went passing by at lighting speed - sooo fast. And yet, another day, another month, another year will pass that I will be thankful and happy to know, with confidence, that those I love are still there for me. I can write and write until I go to heaven, and you will never know how much I love you! Dear good friend of mine, all I can say in "just a quick" message: I miss you ever so much, but I must wait for God´s perfect time, which, to me, sometimes feels like forever! I miss, miss, miss you...........

Your friend and sister in Jesus Christ
PEM, Tropicalgirl, Woman XD

This is dedicated to:

Mommy, Daddy
my Aunt "Titi" L.
lala, Bea
and my bff LaLa's mom, "Tia" R
To my circle of friends

In God´s immense love, PEM

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Pretty Quote Graphics, Myspace Caption Graphics, Friendship Quote Graphics

Miss you soo much!

Miss you alot

Pretty Quote Graphics, Myspace Caption Graphics, Friendship Quote Graphics

I miss you lala!!!
I Ate Too Much Turkey
I ate too much turkey,
I ate too much corn,
I ate too much pudding and pie,
I'm stuffed up with muffinsand much too much stuffin',
I'm probably going to die.
I piled up my plateand I ate and I ate,
but I wish I had known when to stop,
for I'm so crammed with yams,
sauces, gravies, and jams that my
buttons are starting to pop.
I'm full of tomatoesand french fried potatoes,
my stomach is swollen and sore,
but there's still some dessert,
so I guess it won't hurt
if I eat just a little bit more.
Jack Prelutsky
The Turkey Shot Out of the Ovenby
Jack Prelutsky

The turkey shot out of the ovenand rocketed into the air,
it knocked every plate off the tableand
and partly demolished a chair.
It ricocheted into a corner
and burst with a deafening boom,
then splattered all over the kitchen,
completely obscuring the room.

It stuck to the walls and the windows,
it totally coated the floor,
there was turkey attached to the ceiling,
where there'd never been turkey before.
It blanketed every appliance,
It smeared every saucer and bowl,
there wasn't a way I could stop it,
that turkey was out of control.
I scraped and I scrubbed with displeasure,
and thought with chagrin as I mopped,
that I'd never again
stuff a turkey with popcorn
that hadn't been popped

If Turkeys Thought

If Turkeys Thought
If turkeys thought,
they'd run away,
A week before Thanksgiving Day.
But turkeys can't anticipate,
And so there's turkey on my plate!
Jack Prelutsky

Friday, October 26, 2007

Things I Like About Fall

What do you like about Fall?


How silently they tumble down
And come to rest upon the ground
To lay a carpet, rich and rare,
Beneath the trees without a care,
content to sleep, their work well done,
Colors gleaming in the sun.

At other times, they wildly fly
Until they nearly reach the sky
Twisting, turning through the air
Till all the trees stand stark and bare.
Exhausted, drop to earth below
To wait, like children, for the snow.

-By Elsie N. Brady

Nature XXVII, Autumn

The morns are meeker than they were,
The nuts are getting brown;
The berry´s cheek is plumper,
The rose is out of town.

The maple wears a gayer scarf,
The field a scarlet gown.
Lest I should be old-fashioned,
I´ll put a trinket on.

- By Emily Dickinson

Monday, October 15, 2007


This last month I went along with the church to a little colonial town in the Andes Mountains. We had a baptisim! Five people got baptized, they are all my friends and among them, there I was! I am so thankful to God for this blessing, I have made a commitment to God, the Creator of this world, the One who made me and You!

On the first day it rained alot and it was very cold :) I went with my family a day ahead of the others. We got there around 2-3 pm and got into our hotel, rested a bit then we went out to eat, it was a very relaxing place, nice and cold. The town is small and there is a plaza in the center of the town, the locals are very nice! Later, we all went to sleep and waited for the other group, which arrived very early the next morning. I had a good night sleep :)

The other group had a good time on the bus that brought them, but everyone was tired and very hungry :), they had been on a bus all night. We had breakfast and then went hiking up the mountain through a beautiful forest (to me it seemed like a jungle), it was great fun, but there was mud everywhere because of the rain the day before. We had a bunch of fun though, and when we got to our destination, soooo beautiful. It was nice and peaceful up at the top of the mountain. There was a big hill where we rolled down (I was pretty dizzy after), which was lots of fun. We took crazy pictures and really had a good time, though we were so very tired from the climb. Later, we went to river for the baptisim, we sang songs and then gave our testimonies, each one of us, then we were baptized, in the river! It was sooo wonderful! It's an experience that you must have, you will never forget it!

Then we all hurried to back to the hotel cuz it was getting very cold and the mosquitos were having a feast on us :O Later we had dinner and hung out in the plaza for a while. One of the girls hurt her foot, in the river, on a rock and was in alot of pain, she went to a little hospital there in the town, so we went to see how she was doing. She was just coming out from the clinic as we arrived, feeling a bit better after recieving a shot, but still limping, she had a small fracture. We all walked back to the hotel for a good nite sleep.

In the morning we enjoyed breakfast, before heading out to do some horseback riding up the mountain a ways. It is sooo beautiful up there, and lot's of horses, a big park and little artisian booths for some shopping. We had a great morning. All-to-soon, it was time to gather together for the bus ride back down the mountain, to different city, about an hour away, where we were to catch another bus for the 6 hour ride back to the city where we live. It was a full and overflowing week-end, and we had the very best time.


October gave a party;
The leaves by hundreds came
The chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples,
and leaves of every name.
The sunshine spread a carpet,
and everything was grand,
Miss weather led the dancing,
Professor Wind the band.
-Robert Frost

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Up-Date.... ;)

Well its been more than a month since I posted... so I will up-date with what has happened in the last 1 or 2 months.

In July my little brother had his B-day, we had a such a good time. We went to a water park the whole day, and then came home and had lunch....and cake (Chocolate Carmel Cake and ice cream) it was sooo good.
At the water park, we had friends come along with us, we had a race to see who got to the bottom of the slide first...then we had a boat fight (not a real fight, it was a game we played. Each of us had a boat or a floaty, either way ;) we sneaked behind the person and bumped into him/ her, and tried to flip him/her over... you could only use your boat, floaty thing...I didn't last for long he he, but it was really fun. We also played volleyball, then had a competition to see who could hold their breath under water the longest, *ahem *, I won! We had a great time. We all got sunburned, and I put even put sunscreen on, like 5 times. (I looked like I had red blush on, at my friends graduation, I will tell you about it later). We came home about 3:30-4:00pm and had a good amount of food. After that the guys played games on the laptop, and us girls were helping my Mom. We talked about what we did , then we went to my room and to the computer, that's when we were starting to notice that our faces were turning red and our arms and faces were stinging....(the effects of the sun ;). I downloaded the photos my dad and I had taken, then showed them to the guys. Then it was time for the cake and ice-cream, we sang happily and tried to put my brothers face in the cake, but it was kind of difficult. So someone *wonder who did it, but it was funny* put the carmel icing on his face! It was funny... After we calmed down a bit we ate our cake...we were sooo full. Then we talked, again, about what we had done at the water park and the jokes that we had done, and funny moments, and who did you see from school, or neighbors, and many other things... finally I had to get ready to go to a friends graduation.
Here are some photos of my brothers B-day...

My Brother... having fun! ;)

B-day Boy B-Day Cake

The Big Slide
More Fun... After a full day....... :)

Later that day...

After the party, everyone tired from a full day of fun, us girls left to go to Elena´s house and get ready for her graduation... We didn`t need to put makeup on, our faces were sooo red :O *really red, they were waaay red.